

07 Jan 2021

Welcome to the new year!

Each new year is a beginning… New resolutions, possibilities, visions, dreams. ☘️
In 2021, we are entering a round anniversary – 40 years of the company’s existence. 🎉

With the 40 on the neck and fresh energy, we present the official logo –  a symbol of the anniversary. This is another milestone in the history of ChM.
To emphasize the special importance of this event, the logo of the 40th anniversary will be a permanent element of company prints, exhibition materials, advertisements, gadgets, etc. for the coming year.
At the same time, on this occasion, we would like to thank you for your trust, cooperation, inspiration and motivation for development of our company. ❤️
We are convinced that the coming years will bring us further innovative projects, development and a lot of satisfaction.