4,0ChLP wrist arthrodesis plate

5.0ChLP distal tibia plates

CHARFIX reconstruction humeral nail

CHARFIX2 condylar retrograde femoral nail

was designed to treat the fractures of distal femur meta-epiphysis with particular emphasis on supracondylar fractures. The pathological fractures can be also treated with CHARFIX2 condylar nail. Its additional advantage is the possibility of supplying diaphysis femur fractures with previously implanted hip or knee endoprothesis.

Nail design and its dedicated locking elements provide the effective fracture stabilization using various locking methods.

Radiolucent targeters included in the instrument set facilitate access to the fracture site from both sides of the injured limb and allow for intraoperative control of the implant position without their removing.

CHARSPINE2 VD direct vertebral body derotation

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7.0ChLP ankle arthrodesis plates