CHARFIX reconstruction humeral nail

CHARFIX compression humeral nail

CHARFIX femoral nail

CHARFIX femoral nail is a universal solution, which depending on a fracture type, enables the intramedullary fixation with the reconstructive, compression, dynamic, static or retrograde method.
Retrograde nail insertion grants the intramedullary osteosynthesis of a femur, in which there already has been a hip prosthesis or other implant inserted in its proximal part.
The locking set – an integral part of the system allows the compression fixation of the condyles.
The combination of three different nails in one implant improves effectiveness of the whole medical team – simplifies mastering of the surgery technique, reduces logistic problems and gives a great flexibility during the surgery.

CHARFIX2 tibial nail

CHARFIX2 tibia nail
Due to the introduced improvements the nail shape and the  nail entry point have been changed. Therefore, the procedure has become safer for the patient.
Screwing the locking elements at the angle other than perpendicular to the nail axis permits the fixation of complex comminuted fractures.
The instrument set is supplied with two proximal targeting devices that let the surgeon select a method of nail implantation.
  • tibia shaft fractures;
  • proximal epiphyseal fractures;
  • tibia shaft fractures undergoing both epiphysis
  • pathological fractures;
  • pseudoarthrosis, malunion or non-union treated with other methods.


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CHARFIX2 retrograde tibial nail

is designed for stable osteosynthesis of the tarsus and distal tibia, for the treatment of degenerations and deformities of the tarsal joints.


  • tibio-calcaneal arthrodesis;
  • combined arthrodesis of talocrural joint and talocalcaneal joint;
  • avascular necrosis of talocrural joint and talocalcaneal joint;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • severe, secondary deformity of untreated congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) or in case of neuromuscular disease;
  • seriously deformed foot/ankle, arthritic deformity of ankle with associated stiffness in the talocalcaneal joint;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • instability and skeletal defects after tumor resection;
  • distal tibia fractures with non-unions;
  • tibia and/or talus PLAFOND fracture where reconstruction is not possible;
  • severe comminuted fractures with associated damage of talocalcaneal joint;
  • fractures, dislocations of the ankle combined with serious arthritic changes and loss of function;
  • above-ankle non-union combined with stiffness in the talocalcaneal joint;
  • malunion of ankle;
  • failed total ankle replacement with talocalcaneal joint intrusion.

CHARFIX2 humeral nail

CHARFIX2 humeral nail is a next generation nail that merges the features of reconstructive and compression nail.
Increased number of holes, their relocation towards the end of the nail and possibility of inserting the locking elements at the angle other than perpendicular to the nail axis – all these significantly broaden the range of indications for use.
  • humerus shaft fractures;
  • proximal humerus fractures;
  • pathological fractures;
  • pseudoarthrosis;
  • malunion or non-union treated with other methods.